Monthly Archives: September 2020

Anger and Forgiveness

Anger can often lead us to holding grudges, ill feelings and hate for people. We feel we have been badly done to and it is up to the other person to make the first move to reconciliation…. We end up in stalemate because often the person who moves to reconciliation first has to admit that [...]

2020-10-24T15:02:47+00:00September 28th, 2020|Anger, Uncategorized|14 Comments

Dealing With Others Anger

It is very difficult living with someone else’s anger because you are often living on egg shells, trying not to upset the person. Never knowing when they are going to react at something you say or do or don’t do. Scared to say anything in case they take it the wrong way and start to [...]

2020-09-15T09:46:21+00:00September 15th, 2020|Anger|23 Comments

Strategies for Dealing With Anger

I want to talk about techniques or strategies that might be helpful for overcoming your anger. Before I go into specific things let’s look a few general things first. Sleep This is the one thing we need to make sure we get enough off to help us with our anger. Lack of sleep leads to [...]

2020-09-01T12:04:18+00:00September 1st, 2020|Anger|11 Comments