Counselling can help you overcome your anger issues

I have a great passion for working with anger because I have seen people work on their anger and really flourish and become happier people. Having a little understanding of your anger can help so much in empowering you to control it or to react differently.

Anger issues can be caused by many things – childhood, someone is constantly telling you you are worthless or maybe you don’t know where it stems from. Whatever, you seem to fly off into a rage and cannot control yourself. All of these and others are very good reasons for seeking anger management help. Often angry people do not like themselves because other people do not live up to their expectations. Getting frustrated is Ok but when you fly into rages very quickly, start to shout or break things it can be scary for yourself and those around you.

The aim of counselling is to help you to reach a better understanding of yourself, to accept yourself as you are and empower you. Working on your anger can help you achieve these.

During the counselling I will help you to:-

  • look underneath your anger and see what is the cause of it;
  • identify your “triggers”;
  • act differently when someone “pushes your buttons”;
  • think differently;
  • be friends with your anger;
  • control your anger rather than letting it control you.

Get in touch  Mobile 07821 69188 or email

My Experience

  • I have written/developed Anger Management Courses. (6 Weeks)
  • Taught Anger Management to adults in Blackpool for over 10 years.
  • Worked with many clients with anger issues.
  • Worked on my own anger to manage it.

I am flexible about when I am available. I offer day time and evening sessions Monday to Friday.

Fees – Students £35, Adults £50.

Counselling Face to Face

Questions you should ask a Counsellor before working with them.

4 Areas