I offer a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

I came into counselling after the death of my husband over 20 years ago. When I first started I mainly worked in the field of bereavement but over time I have extended my knowledge, understanding and experience. I now specialise in working with anger management. I get a great deal of satisfaction seeing clients transform themselves. With a little bit of understanding and help to see how they can act and think differently people can make a big difference to their lifestyle.

I am just an ordinary peson like you reading this. The only difference is that I trained as a counsellor and maybe you trained in something else. As well as counselling I used to teach (until Dec 2019) Well Being Courses but my main subject was anger management. This is where my real passion for working with anger came from.

I also counsel for a local charity based on the Fylde.


  • On-Line and Telephone Counselling
  • Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
  • Couple and Relationship Counselling
  • Stress Management
  • BACP Accreditation
  • CRUSE Bereavement Training
  • Advanced Diploma in PC Counselling (BACP Accredited)
  • Loss and Bereavement

Keeping myself up to date on new developments and keeping my CPD updated I have also undertaken the following.

Other Training

  • Working at Relational Depth
  • Practical Steps to Blogging
  • A Reflective Day on Working On-Line
  • ASSIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) Living Works
  • Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults – Level 1
  • Creative Art Therapy
  • Solution Focused Therapy


Here you can download my contract and worksheets.