Monthly Archives: January 2021


Assertiveness is when we express our anger in a healthy way. It is a healthy expression of anger. In our culture, assertiveness could be seen as teaching other people how to treat us, hear us and respect us without disrespecting them. Have you ever been in a job and gone to pay for something and [...]

2021-02-12T12:48:14+00:00January 31st, 2021|Anger|31 Comments

Anger and Rage

There are 5 anger styles – Aggressive, Passive, Passive Aggressive and Rage and Assertiveness. Let me give a very short explanation of each before exploring rage in more detail. Aggressive anger is when someone explodes when they are angry. They don’t hold back and you know they are angry – it is like a volcano [...]

2021-01-31T16:51:05+00:00January 17th, 2021|Anger|39 Comments

Roots of Anger

This blog concentrates on boys growing up and how they are taught to deal with emotions and why they can have issues/problems with anger. John Hawes, ( who has worked with men for a long time and run AWARE Workshops , identifies the following 4 areas, as the root of men’s anger. Family Like all [...]

2021-01-10T16:36:53+00:00January 10th, 2021|Anger|32 Comments