
Dealing With Others Anger

It is very difficult living with someone else’s anger because you are often living on egg shells, trying not to upset the person. Never knowing when they are going to react at something you say or do or don’t do. Scared to say anything in case they take it the wrong way and start to [...]

2020-09-15T09:46:21+00:00September 15th, 2020|Anger|23 Comments

Strategies for Dealing With Anger

I want to talk about techniques or strategies that might be helpful for overcoming your anger. Before I go into specific things let’s look a few general things first. Sleep This is the one thing we need to make sure we get enough off to help us with our anger. Lack of sleep leads to [...]

2020-09-01T12:04:18+00:00September 1st, 2020|Anger|11 Comments

Anger and Awareness (Part 3) Thoughts

When I was teaching this was always the hardest part for my learners to do. To actually pin down what they were thinking. Our thoughts just come and go and there are so many of them trying to catch them can be really difficult but with time it can be done. Thoughts can make us [...]

2020-08-07T10:20:24+00:00August 6th, 2020|Anger|40 Comments

Anger and Awareness (Part 2) Emotional

You may want to refer back to Part 1 if what I am saying does not make sense because this is a continuation of that. In this blog I want to look at our emotions. Emotions are neither good or bad they just are! We don’t mind people being happy, grieving for a loved one [...]

2020-07-03T11:35:31+00:00July 3rd, 2020|Anger|1 Comment

Awareness and Anger (Part 1) Physical

Having an awareness of ourselves and what we are thinking, feeling and what our body is saying to us can really help us to get a handle on our anger.  When I ask people what they are thinking they will say things like, “I am feeling tired” or “I’m fine.” (Whatever that means!) They have [...]

2020-06-21T14:17:42+00:00June 21st, 2020|Anger|0 Comments

Whats Underneath Your Anger?

Like all things we learn how to deal with anger when we are children growing up in our families. We see how our parents and others in the family deal with things and we copy them. We do this unconsciously and it is often called “learnt behaviour.” If nobody talks about how they feel then [...]

2020-06-05T11:12:12+00:00June 4th, 2020|Anger|0 Comments

Anger – The Facts

This is the beginning of a series of blogs on Anger and how we can better manage it. First of all let us look at what anger actually is …. The facts. Anger is a natural process built within us at our deepest level and it is there to protect us, to keep us safe. [...]

2020-08-07T11:44:09+00:00May 25th, 2020|Anger|0 Comments